Best Parental Control Apps To Keep Your Kids Safe Online

In today’s digital age, there appears to be danger lurking around every corner, so there are a lot of areas to cover when it comes to safety. Every day, children and teens surf online and log on to social media sites, and as a parent, the prospect of your child being exposed to everything the Internet has to offer may seem daunting – and even frightening. 

It’s critical to talk to your children, especially teens, about cyber safety and digital citizenship, but what happens if you’re not present to monitor their online activity? How can you assist them in being secure while online? 

Loads of apps pop up when you search for apps to help you keep your teens safe online. But how can you determine which parental control app is best for you and your child? 

Choosing the best parental apps for iPhone or Android depends on how often your kids use their devices, but as a standard guideline, you’ll require an app to monitor everything from internet searches to chat platforms and more. 

Check out our collection of the best best parental control app for keeping your teens safe online, which you can use and share.


Kaspersky allows you to customize lists of apps and websites that can only be used with your authorization, establish unique time limits and restrict searches per device. Kaspersky can watch your child’s location, but it also lets parents set up restrictions for their children, known as geo-fencing. You will be warned via text if they leave the specified radius. 

From barring access to adult content and suspicious search results to monitoring app usage and establishing device screen time restrictions, Kaspersky offers everything you want to keep an eye on your teens’ phone behavior. The Kaspersky Safe Kids website also includes advice from psychologists on how to teach children about the risks of the Internet and how to protect themselves.

It is one of the best deals available, costing only $14.99 each year.


Circle is a screen time management and parental controls solution that can help you keep an eye on game consoles, smart TVs, iPads, and others. Circle’s “Home Plus” bundle connects to your Wi-Fi router and allows you to monitor your devices from anywhere via the app. You can set the restrictions for sites like YouTube, TikTok, Discord (and many others) across your family’s connected devices with their in-home and on-the-go solution.

The “Home Plus” bundle costs $129 per year. If you require only the app, the monthly subscription starts at $9.99.


Bark is a family-friendly app that monitors more than 30 popular applications and social media networks, text messaging, and emails. You can control how your teen interacts with technology by using screen time management and online filtering programs. 

When Bark detects possible difficulties, you can get email and SMS alerts to chat with your child and make sure everything is well. Additionally, you’ll receive an alert with advice from certified psychologists on dealing with difficult situations.

Pricing levels begin at $5 per month after a 30-day free trial. 


Qustodio is a feature-rich parental control app that allows you to monitor your children’s internet activities. Qustodio allows you to 

  • Monitor your child’s activities with their devices or installed apps, 
  • Protect them from online abuse or cyberbullying,
  • Set a device usage limit for teens to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 
  • Receive a report on your child’s activities in the previous 30 days. 

The app also features adult-content filters, YouTube monitoring, and social media activity tracking.

The monthly subscription pricing begins at $4.58. 


The app offers a weekly report of your teen’s activities, including internet searches, videos downloaded, website visits, emails sent, and more. Norton’s Alert Me feature keeps parents up to date on their child’s whereabouts. 

Additionally, the Instant Lock feature allows parents to lock phones and other devices, which is useful when creating healthy screen time habits.

A year’s subscription is $49 and can be shared among numerous family members. 


Teensafe promotes a healthy relationship between life and technology. Screen time, video calls, and other time constraints can be adjusted remotely weekly and daily. Parents can use the pause button feature when their children should be concentrating on activities such as family time or homework. 

Teensafe is particularly useful for monitoring viral apps like SnapChat and TikTok, as it allows parents to observe sent media files and discussions. You can now effortlessly monitor your teen’s phones using TeenSafe. The phone tracker app allows you to monitor their current location and learn about how they use their phones, such as messages, calls, and apps.

The monthly fee starts at $9.99.

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You receive several safety features for free with FamilyTime, including app usage history, call tracking, app alerts, and an SOS button that allows parents to turn off devices with a single swipe. 

The premium version gives you a deeper look into your teen’s screen usage with secure search options, access to texts, chats, and more. FamilyTime is an all-in-one parenting app that keeps you updated on your teens’ whereabouts while also allowing you to monitor screen time and disable apps on their phones. With quick panic alerts, your children can call you right away if they run into trouble.

The annual fee starts at $27.


The more you know, the less you worry. There will be no doubt about what your teens are doing online with this app. Parents can use MSpy to view shared images, read full chats (even deleted messages), and track their children’s location using a GPS tracking system. 

With MSpy, you can find out who they phone and talk with the most and their favorite websites. Unlike other parental safety apps, you can watch over your teen’s activity in stealth mode.

The monthly subscription fee starts at $25. 

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