DCentralize Unveils Plan to-Host UKs First Web3 Music Festival

DCentralize has recently announced its plans for the first Web3 electronic music festival in the UK.

The festival at Prestwold Hall Estate in Loughborough, scheduled for August 14–16, 2023, is already accepting registrations through the DCentralize website.

The simultaneous live streaming of the event will take place in DCentralize’s custom-built metaverse.

DCentralize aspires to advance the music industry using the most recent Web3 technology by bridging the music and Web3 spaces.

By becoming a member of the DCentralize community, token holders will participate in massive cooperation fueled by common goals, open dialogue, and leveling the playing field for everyone.

Token holders can cast votes on important issues including the festival’s roster, platform design, core management, and more.

DCentralize Festival is on a mission to empower artists and bring about social change through decentralisation and tokenization.

“DCentralize is utilising the forces of Web3 to transform how we all live our lives, helping to construct a better society that’s open to all, and where you can have a genuine influence on the cultural movements that matter most to you,” said Andy Raisen, Head of Community Engagement.

Before and during the festival, DCentralize and its partners will provide several regular workshops for Bootstrap artists and guests to help them confidently make the switch to Web3.

This is a resounding example of the team’s dedication to educating and inspiring people inside and beyond the blockchain industry.

Announcements about the lineup are anticipated to be made soon. Visit this page to sign up as a DCentralize member.

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