Galboda Falls

Galboda Falls, another well-known waterfall in Sri Lanka, is located in the small village of Galboda, which is situated along the railroad line between Watawala and Nawalapitiya.

It is regarded as one of the most iconic representations of the nation’s natural wonders. This area’s entryways were allegedly almost nonexistent until recently. Today, you are able to drive or walk straight up to the waterfall.

Undoubtedly, the alluring pathway nestled to this waterfall will make you melt. The journey may be challenging, but it is worthwhile.

The Galboda Canal, also known as Hanguranketha Oya, is the waterfall that is 30 meters high. There are 12 different types of reptiles, four of which are unique to Sri Lanka. The biodiversity of the upper portion of the fall is exceptional.

This necessitates minimizing any potential risks to the area. The landscape is home to a wide variety of flora due to its high ecology and the nearby woods is native to a rare orchid species.

The water cascades in two streams at specific periods of the year. Galboda is a waterfall with the coolest water, similar to Sitha Gagula on Adams Peak. You can even take a quick bath here, depending on the waterfall’s water level. The water here is cooler compared to other places, so it would assist if you were cautious.

Tips to Visit Galboda Falls

Even if the path to the waterfall is not difficult, there are several preparations you should take.

  • The first is to wear comfortable clothing and footwear.
  • It is advisable to bring your lunch up to consume. On the rock, you can relax and take in the scenery.
  • Keep a first aid kit on hand in case of small injuries or injuries.
  • Leeches are rumored to be hiding in the vegetation on the hill. Don’t forget to bring salt or a bottle of Dettol.
  • The rocks might be slippery, so take your time as you ascend them.

How to Reach Galboda Falls ?

The most easy and ideal way to reach Galboda Falls is using the Train.

Particularly, if you take the train to the Galboda Waterfall, get off at the Galboda station and have to walk the remaining distance to the waterfall. The distance to the waterfall from the Galboda station is around 1.5 kilometers.

After getting down at the station. You have to walk back on the railway track about 100m. Then you’ll find a small footpath on your right. That’s it, now you are on the track

At the end, you’ll pass a wooden bridge on your way to the fall. It’s necessary to cross the bridge in order to reach Galboda Falls. Thanks to this bridge for adding an additional fame for this Falls. However, be cautious as you cross the bridge.

The route from the station to the waterfall is breathtaking. You wouldn’t get bored because this is a wonderful ride.

Final Words

If you want to witness these waterfalls in all their splendor, it is advised that you go during the rainy season.

Moreover, you’ll run into several village youngsters selling fruit and other items as you trek to the waterfall. So, be humble to help them.

Enjoy the trip!

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