Welcome to Srireef!

This Privacy Policy outlines how Srireef collects, uses, and protects your personal information when you access our website, https://srireef.com/, and utilize its associated services, content, and functionality. By visiting Srireef, you agree to the terms and practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect

Voluntarily Submitted Information: We may collect personal information that you voluntarily provide, such as your name or email address. This may occur when you leave a comment, subscribe to our newsletter, or submit a contact form.

Information from Other Sources: We may receive information about you from third-party sources, such as when you use third-party software through our site.

Automatically-Collected Information: When you use Srireef, we automatically collect certain information about you and your device, including your IP address, operating system type, browser type, referring website, pages viewed, and the dates/times of access. We may also track actions you take on the site, such as clicked links.

Cookies: Srireef uses cookies—small data files stored on your browser—to enhance your experience on the site. These cookies may be session-based or persistent, and you can adjust your browser settings to manage or disable them.

How Your Information is Used

We use the collected information to:

  • Operate and maintain Srireef.
  • Send promotional information, such as newsletters, with opt-out instructions.
  • Send administrative communications, such as emails related to confirmations, updates, or security alerts.
  • Respond to your comments or inquiries.
  • Provide user support.
  • Track and measure advertising on the website.
  • Protect against unauthorized or illegal activity.

Third-Party Use of Personal Information

We may share your information with third parties if you explicitly authorize us. Third-party service providers may also assist in various aspects of Srireef, adhering to their respective privacy policies.

Our current third-party service providers include:

  • Google Analytics: Tracks website usage with no capture of personal information beyond IP addresses.
  • Email Service Provider: Stores your name and email for newsletter delivery.

Your personal information is not shared with other third-party applications at this time.

Anonymous Data

We may use anonymous data for marketing, advertising, or other purposes, ensuring it does not identify you alone or when combined with data from other parties.


SriReef uses cookies to store preferences, record user-specific information, and enhance the visitor experience. Users can manage cookie settings in their internet browsers.


Display Ads: Third-party advertising companies may use cookies for content and advertisements on Srireef, with no sharing of personally identifiable information.

Retargeting Ads: We may engage in remarketing efforts with companies like Google, Facebook, or Instagram, using cookies to serve ads based on previous website visits.

Sponsored Content Tracking Pixels: Sponsored campaigns may use tracking pixels for data collection on usage and audience, adhering to FTC requirements.

Affiliate Program Participation: Srireef may engage in affiliate marketing, utilizing tracking links with cookies for commission tracking.


Our newsletters may contain tracking pixels for analysis of online marketing campaign success. Data collected includes email opens and link clicks, used to tailor future newsletters.

Rights Related to Your Personal Information

You can:

  • Opt-out of future email communications using provided unsubscribe links.
  • Access personal information by submitting a request.
  • Amend or update personal information by contacting us.
  • Request the erasure of personal data in certain situations.

Please note, we may retain some information for recordkeeping or legal purposes.

Sensitive Personal Information

Do not submit sensitive personal information to Srireef. This includes sensitive details such as social security numbers, race/ethnicity, political opinions, religious beliefs, health information, criminal background, or trade union memberships.

Children’s Information

Srireef does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 16. If you believe your child’s information is in our records, please contact us for prompt removal.

Affiliate Marketing

Periodically, Srireef engages in affiliate marketing. If you use affiliate links for purchases, we receive commissions, ensuring full FTC disclosure.

FTC Disclosure

Srireef may feature sponsored content, and while compensation is received, our content reflects honest opinions. Verify product claims with manufacturers, providers, or relevant parties.

General Disclaimer

Srireef strives for accuracy, but we make no guarantees about results obtained from information on the website.

Financial Information Disclaimer

Srireef is not a professional financial advisor. Financial and investing information is provided as-is, and users should consult certified professionals for advice.

Your Responsibility

You are fully responsible for your use of SriReef. We make no guarantees, and results may vary. Verify information and seek professional advice when necessary.

Use of the Website

Unless otherwise stated, SriReef owns the intellectual property on the website. Users may view, download, and print pages for personal use, with restrictions outlined in these terms of use.